A Holistic Pelvic Care™ (HPC) session will look different depending on your individual needs. We will start by discussing your history, your needs and what you wish to focus on in your session. Then we will start with your treatment.

The HPC session combines breath, visualisation, hands on bodywork and gentle intravaginal assessment and massage. It will be taken at your pace; you are always in control. It will be nurturing and empowering.

Holistic Pelvic Care™ (HPC) sessions start from $ 150. This will vary according to time. HPC sessions are NOT Medicare rebatable.


But if the cost is the only thing holding you back, please get in touch here

Please refer to our Holistic Pelvic Care page here.

No. This is entirely your choice. You are in control of your session. And consent for any bodywork needs to come from your whole body.

You may choose to wait until your second or third session for the work to be intravaginal. Or you may choose to keep it external. They are both powerful.

Please note: Internal work is not performed during pregnancy or IVF treatment. At these times, we would only work externally.

Not a problem. In fact, having a HPC session during your period can be an empowered release of tension. It is nothing to be worried or embarrassed about.

If you are bleeding outside of your menstrual cycle, we will discuss and make plans for the appropriate treatment session for you. This may include referral for investigation.


Holistic Pelvic Care™ is for all women, whether you have all your organs or not! Your pelvic energy and vaginal muscles and fascia are still intact.

HPC can be especially powerful for healing after surgery.

No problem at all. The intravaginal assessment and massage are gentle and will not disturb your IUD.

Dr Laura works at the Coffs Harbour Women’s Health Centre, where women can be seen for all their women’s health needs. The centre is open from Mon – Thu.

Please call on 02 6652 8111 to book an appointment.

There are no silly questions. All questions are welcomed. You can ask it here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.